I am not a lawyer or by any means a constitutional expert. This is just my opinion.
The news today has coverage about the case before the Supreme Court today.
The family owned business that runs the craft stores Hobby Lobby wants to be able to opt out of covering certain kinds of contraception for its female employees on the provided health insurance. The argument is that it goes against the company's religious beliefs.
IUD's and the morning after pill are included in the methods the Green family (the family that owns the company) want excluded because "because they can interfere with the creation of life once an egg is fertilized."
The IUD is one of the most effective forms of birth control available. In an article on NPR it is said to be 45 times more effective than the pill and 90 times more effective then condoms. But they are cost prohibitive without insurance coverage.
The morning after pill is taken within 72 hours after sex (sometimes this is in the case of rape) when protection wasn't used, but it doesn't mean the person is pregnant, it isn't an abortion pill. It isn't for someone who already knows they are pregnant, it doesn't work for that. More information here.
But here is my take on this. It doesn't matter what you or I think of these or any other methods of birth control. This is a for profit company, not a church or other religious organization.
The owners of this company are perfectly within their rights to hold any religious beliefs they want to. But a company is not a person and so it has no feelings or beliefs. The owners of the company do not have the right to force their beliefs on their employees and vice-verse.
And that has been my 2 cents.
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