I started this blog as my semester long project for my Fall 2013 World Politics class but since I'm not sure why I didn't do this sooner I plan to continue it even after the class ends. I'll be blogging about politics and current events. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you'll come back often.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

She's Havin' My Baby (like it or not)

The moment you say that you are against abortion you have made a choice, as is legally your right. It is also the right of someone else to have one. Unless the law is changed that is just the way it is. But that's not the point of this post though I will come back to it.

When the House passed their CR on Saturday night they attached some amendments to it knowing full well that the Senate will reject it meaning we are probably heading for a shut down of the government. More on that tomorrow.

They attached an amendment that would delay the roll out of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for a year. Part of this delay adds a conscience clause that would allow employers and insurers to use religious or moral objections to not include coverage for birth control among other services specific to women. As the ACA stands now birth control must be covered 100%.

What this clause would mean is that if you are a woman who is trying to be responsible and not get pregnant you might have to pay out of pocket for birth control.  If you can't afford it and get pregnant but don't want to have a baby and make the very personal choice to terminate your pregnancy, depending on where you live you might not have access to abortion services. Even if you do you might find it not covered by your insurance. 

A major problem I have with this is that those same Republicans (Tea Party members?) who are trying to limit access to reproductive services for women are also crying out for smaller government. One of the issues they raise about the ACA is that there is too much government involvement. Spelled out this says to me that they want the government out of the health care system unless it's women's health care. And if you end up having the baby these same politicians are cutting the programs you might need to help raise the child, things like SNAP , WIC and Head Start.
 If you are on the side of the abortion debate that favors that they not be legal, as many conservatives are, how can you also be on the side that makes it harder for women to prevent getting pregnant in the first place?

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