I started this blog as my semester long project for my Fall 2013 World Politics class but since I'm not sure why I didn't do this sooner I plan to continue it even after the class ends. I'll be blogging about politics and current events. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you'll come back often.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Trumpeting the Brexit

This won't be one of those posts that you often see on places like Facebook that say if you do/support/like/think FILL IN THE BLANK then unfriend me now...But after you read this, if you are a Trump supporter or lean left and started out as a Bernie supporter but now will withhold your vote or will vote for Trump (which makes zero sense since Bernie is very anti-Trump), you may find yourself wondering if you want to unfriend me...

Today we in the US woke up (unless like me you stayed up almost all night to watch the results come in) to find out that the UK vote held yesterday on if they should REMAIN IN or LEAVE the EU was won by the LEAVE side.

While the results were coming in, still early in the return process, when the numbers for LEAVE were first becoming known, the POUND started dropping, significantly.
Throughout the day to day markets around the world showed losses, the NYSE closed the day -611.21.
Twitter was filled with people who voted leave saying they felt angry because they felt lied to about what this meant for them. For example the LEAVE campaign was saying the money going to the EU would go into the NHS. This turned out not to be the case and a leader of the movement to LEAVE, Nigel Farage, said it was "a mistake."

The GOP candidate for President of the US, Donald Trump, was in Scotland today. The vote in Scotland was overwhelmingly for the REMAIN side of the Brexit issue. And he talked about his golf course which is why he was there. The Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, wasted no time in putting together a web ad video about his statements today, which started with a Tweet about being in Scotland and the people going crazy because they were taking their country back, the same people who wanted the UK to REMAIN in the EU.

The trending topics on Twitter in the UK today:

There has been a plethora of articles, tweets, and Facebook posts waning us in the US of the danger of not learning from this Brexit vote. Many, many people, including bookies who set odds in the UK about this kind of stuff and are usually correct, knew it would be close but expected REMAIN to eek out a win. The lesson trying to be pounded home is that we can't assume Trump won't or can't win the election in November even though so many of us know he is not qualified, he doesn't have the knowledge or temperament, he is too dangerous, to be our President. 

It is way past time for Sen. Bernie Sanders to rally his supporters to come out in support of Secretary Clinton. He has admitted he knows he can't win the nomination but he will do what ever it takes to make sure Trump doesn't win. But first, before he concedes officially he wants things from Secretary Clinton. What he is missing here is she won, by millions of votes and hundreds of delegates. His holding out for his demands is going to do more harm than good to his goal of of making sure Trump isn't our next President. It is way past time for his many, many supporters, to face the fact that their candidate ran a great race but now it's time to come together with those in the party who supported the other Democratic Candidate and protect ourselves, our children, our grandchildren, from having a xenophobic, sexist, racist, liar, and bully as our next president. 

And then there are the Trump supporters. I know that some of the people I know are in this group. And I don't understand how.  If we are friends I know you aren't any of the things he is. He says the most awful things. He spent years trying to get people to believe that our sitting President is not a legitimate President because he was not born here. He has repeatedly questioned President Obama's professed Christianity and insists that President Obama is Muslim. He has said horrible things about Mexicans, Women, and Handicapped people. He has questioned the ethics and ability of a respected and honest American judge to do his job because he is of Mexican heritage. He has said he will ban an entire population from entering our country and those in our country already who are part of this population, those who are Muslim, deserve to be profiled. He has said that women shouldn't have the right to make their own choices about their bodies, and that same sex couples shouldn't be allowed to be married. He talks about, as much of the right does, the sanctity of life when trying to force the religious right's view on abortion on others but not about the sanctity of life when it comes to our right to send our children to school or for us to go to movies or malls and not be gunned down. He has said that the housing crash was good for him because he makes a lot of money during times of ecumenic trouble. He has been faced checked by non-partisan groups who do this and he has been found to be lying almost 60% of the time. He has said he would like to limit freedom of the press. He blacklists news outlets who don't praise him and who call him on his lying and inconsistency. 

I just do not see how anyone can find him an acceptable alternative to Secretary Clinton no matter what you think of her husband or her. At her worst she is not as bad as him. And I will be perfectly honest. I don't think she is perfect, but the good she has done is far more than the bad. 

I won't try to sell you on her but I can defend my support of her beyond the hey she is the first woman with the chance to be president argument. Is she perfect? No. Does she make mistakes or has she done things I disagree with? Yes, of course. 

But here is why from day 1 of this election cycle I have been with her (sorry couldn't resist). I tell you these reason not with the intent to sway you, even though if I do I won't be upset. I tell you them so you know my thought process and why I feel the way I do about who I support. She is better than Trump and even if you end up in the hold-your-nose and vote group it still counts. 

So my reasons:

She wants, just as Bernie wants, to see the middle class and poor to be better off. She has a different way of getting there and the experts, non-partisan experts, have given her plans better reviews. 

She is the only candidate I have heard talk about Autism, not counting Trump jumping on the vaccination misinformation train. 

She was the first and I think only candidate (I could have missed late comers) to talk about mental health and specifically the need to remove stigma. Having mental health care available does no good if we don't remove the stigma often attached so that people seek out the help they need. 

She has been, since her days just out of college, a strong advocate for equal rights for minorities, women, and children. 

Look, if we go back to the Brexit example, 27.8% of those who could vote didn't. There is no way to know which way they would have voted, but they could have, would have, swung this much more decisively in one way or the other. The vote difference was in the area of 1 million people. The point Voting is important. 

Who holds the office of President matters! It isn't just about being the most charismatic speaker. Some of the most dangerous people throughout history have been incredibly charismatic speakers. It is a job that requires diplomacy, a thick skin, the ability to think beyond ones self...none of which Trump has shown he is capable of. It is domestic and foreign policy. 

And saying you talk to yourself because you have a good brain isn't how this works. 

This is important!! It isn't funny or entertaining. It is real and dangerous. And I believe with every fiber of my being that Trump would be really terrible for our country. Dangerous. Truly dangerous. 

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